We are exposed to bacterial step strains from infancy. The bacteria can linger in our system, remaining dormant until our body's immune system is weakened (which unfortunately happens for women twice a month- ovulation and menstruation). Streptococcus feeds off toxins and heavy metals that we are exposed to everyday. A well-functioning liver and gut can easily remove these toxins from our body, making it hard for the strep bacteria to become burdensome.
Our liver is our primary filtration system. It converts toxins into waste, cleanses our blood, and metabolizes nutrients and medications. It transports these toxins to our kidneys & intestines to be eliminated through urine and stool. The problem is we are exposed to far more toxins than our bodies were ever meant to handle, and our livers are completely overwhelmed. We come in contact with enormous amounts of heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, chemicals & pharmaceuticals that sit in our liver and become food for an array of viruses, the most common Epstein-Barr (EBV) & bacteria such as Streptococcus & Staphylococcus, all of which set up home-base in our livers.
When our liver and gut can't eliminate the toxins from our bodies, Strep bacteria feeds and proliferates, eventually circulating in our lymphatic system and infiltrating our subcutaneous tissue. When our immune system is weakened, the strep in our deep-layers of skin come to the surface in the form of acne. In someone who is generally healthy, the acne may only be an issue occasionally, however, due to our exposure to enormous amounts of toxins, most people's immune systems stay in a weakened state, making acne more of a chronic condition.
Most people are prescribed antibiotics to treat persistent acne, which may work initially. Unfortunately, Strep bacteria can easily become resistant to these antibiotics, rendering the antibiotics useless in the long run.
How to cleanse your liver, and eventually heal your skin:
*First & Foremost: Adequate hydration & exercise to move your lymphatic system
*16 oz lemon or lime water upon waking
*There is a long list of healing foods- refer to Liver Rescue by Anthony William for these foods, recipes, & recommended cleanses.
*Troublemaker foods for the liver: Eggs, Dairy, Cheese, foods with added hormones, high-fat foods, corn, gluten, canola oil, excessive salt, pork products.
*Avoid foods that contain: aspartame, MSG, preservatives, formaldehyde, & artificial sweeteners.
*Recommended Supplements for liver support: Organifi's Liver Reset & Green Juice
-*Supplements should contain the herbs: milk thistle, dandelion root, artichoke, ginger, &/or turmeric
*Recommended supplement for liver cleanse: Physica Energetics: Liver Milieu
*Consider a parasite cleanse