Although my tallow products, Soothe & Purely, will significantly help relieve the common systems associated with severe dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, & other rashes, it is important to treat the root cause of these (and other common) skin conditions to actually heal.
What doctors should be saying:
"We've taken a scratch sample of your skin cells and determined that you have a dermatoxin present. It's a remanufactured poison, in this case specifically a mix of mercury with copper that's 80 years old. Combined with the viral waste and its protein, which come from a virus called EBV that's feeding on copper deposits in your liver, this indicates that a virus-toxin reaction in your liver is the source of the mercury and copper taking on this more-toxic form that's causing your skin irritation. Your body isn't responsible for the problem. Your body's not attacking itself. Your genes aren't the issue, either, The treatment plan is to go after the virus and kill it off while starving it of its favorite foods in your diet. This will bring back your liver so that your skin can heal." -- Medical Medium: Liver Rescue.
So what in the world does this really mean?
Our liver is our primary filtration system. It converts toxins into waste, cleanses our blood, and metabolizes nutrients and medications. It transports these toxins to our kidneys & intestines to be eliminated through urine and stool. The problem is we are exposed to far more toxins than our bodies were ever meant to handle, and our livers are completely overwhelmed. We come in contact with enormous amounts of heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, chemicals & pharmaceuticals that sit in our liver and become food for an array of viruses, the most common Epstein-Barr (EBV) & bacteria such as Streptococcus & Staphylococcus, all of which set up home-base in our livers.
Almost every single skin condition begins in the liver, and the gut becomes involved by default. The type of skin condition you have depends on what pathogens have built up in your liver. As toxins build up and continuously feed the viruses and bacteria, the liver becomes overloaded, can't detox properly, and becomes sluggish. When the liver becomes sluggish, it's bile production is not functioning at it's best resulting in poorly digested fats making it to your small intestines, eventually leading to another culprit of chronic skin conditions: leaky gut (see more below on this topic).
Just like our gut is our 2nd brain, our subcutaneous fatty tissue is our 2nd liver- a natural defense, working hard to push toxins out of the body through the top layer of skin. Dermatoxins are what are released when viruses and bacteria feed on heavy metals and toxins in your liver. When the liver can't expel them efficiently, and the kidney are overburdened as well, the next step is the subcutaneous tissue. It pushes these dermatoxins up and out through your skin. Unfortunately, the dermatoxins are extremely irritating to your skin, leaving you with rashes, itching, flaking, etc. which becomes known as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, food allergies, and the list goes on. Dermatologists attempt to treat these issues with antibiotics, which simply only end up feeding the pathogens, and with steroids, which is sometimes necessary, but is definitely not addressing the root cause.
*Troublemaker foods for the liver: Eggs, Dairy, Cheese, foods with added hormones, high-fat foods, corn, gluten, canola oil, excessive salt, pork products.
*Avoid foods that contain: aspartame, MSG, preservatives, formaldehyde, & artificial sweeteners.
*There is a long list of healing foods- refer to Liver Rescue by Anthony William for these foods, recipes, & recommended cleanses.
*Recommended Supplements for liver: Organifi's Liver Reset & Green Juice
As the liver becomes compromised, eventually the gut does as well, leading to leaky gut. This is when food particles are passing through the lining of the gut, seeping into the blood stream and are recognized as "foreign" by your body, creating systemic inflammation. Gluten & dairy are contributing factors to leaky gut. Eliminating these two from your diet, will allow your gut to heal.
Abnormal gut flora also contributes to common skin conditions. An overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast can easily occur with a diet high in sugar, refined carbs, processed foods & low fiber. A diet change, candida yeast detox, & probiotics are extremely beneficial to getting skin conditions under control.
Also, refer to post: Root Cause of Allergies & how the DAO enzyme plays a critical role in reducing histamine in the body, thus leading to less skin-related conditions.
Recommended Books:
*Liver Rescue by Anthony William
*10- Day Detox Diet by Mark Hyman, MD
*Glucose Goddess Method by Jessie Inchaupse
Detox/Probiotic products: (Candida detox)